Karl Marx's 'Capital' reading group
The original work analysing the capitalism system, Karl Marx’s ‘Capital’…
Workers' Educational Association (WEA) Rotherham branch
The WEA is a long-established adult education movement, with roots…
Save Our NHS
Sheffield Save Our NHS is fighting the appalling government plans…
Rotherham Red Choir
Left wing singers of songs about the lives of ordinary…
Sheffield Chile Solidarity (SCDA)
Many Chileans fled their country to following the terrible US-supported…
Workers' Educational Association (WEA) Sheffield branch
The WEA is a long-established adult education movement, with roots…
Sexual Health Sheffield
The Sheffield website for information on sex, staying safe, and…
University of Sheffield Green Party Society
This group invites students studying anywhere to join via Facebook…
St. Wilfred's Centre
St. Wilf’s does wonderful work for the homeless, vulnerable and…
Oughtibridge Woods Access Campaign
Because a footpath across the railway line at Station Lane,…
Guat Shoes (vegan shoes)
Guat is a long-established Sheffield company that makes shoes including…
For advice on squatting why not contact the sublimely brilliant…
Student Action for Refugees (STAR)
Part of a national student body that raises awareness about…
Unite Against Fascism
Anti-BNP anti-racism group, local contact 07890 131138