Burngreave Messenger
Quite simply the best community news service in the city,…
Global Justice Sheffield
Activist group working alongside people in the developing world to…
Women in Construction Arts and Technology (WICAT)
Re-opened with a great voluntary community spirit, WICAT in Burngreave…
St Vincent's Furniture Store
This large furniture store at 280 Queens Road offers FREE…
Unlock Democracy
The UK’s leading campaign for democracy, rights and freedoms. A…
South Yorkshire Energy Centre
Since 2006 South Yorkshire Energy Centre has offered advice and…
Laser Credit Union, Rotherham
Credit unions are member-owned cooperatives for saving and borrowing. Much…
Sheffield Credit Union
Credit unions are member-owned cooperatives for saving and borrowing. Much…
Sheffield Climate Alliance
An alliance of organisations and individuals urging effective action on…
Karl Marx's 'Capital' reading group
The original work analysing the capitalism system, Karl Marx’s ‘Capital’…
Workers' Educational Association (WEA) Rotherham branch
The WEA is a long-established adult education movement, with roots…
Save Our NHS
Sheffield Save Our NHS is fighting the appalling government plans…
Rotherham Red Choir
Left wing singers of songs about the lives of ordinary…
Sheffield Chile Solidarity (SCDA)
Many Chileans fled their country to following the terrible US-supported…